Who we are
This bank is an apex institution in the co-operative sector in the state of Himachal Pradesh for providing investment credit/finance to agriculturists, horticulturists, rural artesians for development of agriculture, agriculture allied activities and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise(MSME) activities.

Our Mission
The mission of HPSCARDB Ltd. is to create value by consistently delivering the thrift industry’s top financial performance, and by providing those who live and work in Rural areas of Himachal Pradesh with easy access to the full range of financial products and services they seek.
Our Vision
We aspire to become the locally owned, independent cooperative bank of choice for farmers of Himachal Pradesh. We will combine steady growth, consistent earnings, and firm control of risk factors to provide safety for our depositors.
Our Values
We as a bank want to grow and for that we have core values as Integrity and Honesty, establish caring relationship with our customer and treat them with respect.
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We Provide Loans For
Land Development
Land Development means to convert barren land or uncultivable land into cultivable. It also includes Land releveling as well and we provide loan for this.
House Construction
House Construction includes construction of new houses in rural areas, for construction of hotel or commercial Complex and also for repairing of old houses.
Agriculture Allied Activities
Agriculture Allied activities includes dairies, fishery, animal husbandry, poultry, Beekeeping and Sericulture.
Minor Irrigation Schemes
Irrigation includes to create a concrete tank, dugg well, borewell, for drip irrigation, For constuction of tank, water channel and installation of sprinkler and lift water scheme.
Agriculture Equipments
Agriculture Equipments means to get loan for purchase of tractor/trolley, weeder. thresher and other equipment that is used in agriculture activities.
Horticulture includes growing and handling fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, flowers, foliage plants, woody ornamentals, and turf.
Here is the playlist of videos made on 18 different initiatives taken by Ministry Of Cooperation to promote co-operatives and bring economic and social development in the country.